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Danh sách Jobs tham khảo để xin việc tại Úc ( Tuần từ 11/06/2017)
Khi mình ghi là phù hợp 2nd year visa nghĩa là mình đã check địa điểm và tính chất công việc xem đã phù hợp với điều kiện của 2nd year visa cho subclass 462 rồi. Chú ý các bạn chỉ xem phần tiêu đề mình có ghi phù hợp 2nd year không là đủ, không đọc trong nội dung chủ farm ghi bởi vì nhiều khi họ ghi 2nd year visa là cho loại visa 417 chứ không phải 462 cho người Việt Nam đâu nhé.
Xem hướng dẫn và các điều kiện gia hạn visa cho năm 2 tại đây
Yêu cầu và chi tiết của công việc đều là bằng tiếng anh, mình sẽ không dịch bởi vì nó khá đơn giản để hiểu, hơn nữa bạn cũng không thể xin việc tại Úc nếu không thể hiểu được những từ ngữ cơ bản đó để giao tiếp với chủ lao động. Bạn nào nếu kém tiếng Anh quá thì có thể cho vào Google dịch nhé.
Mình chỉ chọn lọc những công việc có ghi rõ địa điểm và mức lương, nhằm tránh tình trạng bị scam hoặc bóc lột hoặc tình trạng agent môi giới. Địa điểm được bôi đậm đỏ, còn mức lương nằm trong phần mô tả công việc và được bôi đậm.
Sau đây là một số công việc mình chọn lọc được trong tuần từ 11/06/2017 ( Sẽ update liên tục hàng ngày khi có job nên các bạn đừng phàn nàn là ít quá nhé).
1. Sugar Cane Harvest Workers ( phù hợp 2nd Year Visa) – Địa điểm tại Tully, Queensland
Sugar cane planters/ fillers needed for the season a short ways from Tully, Queensland.Weekly wages at $650/week (depending on hours, this is an average, we pay award rate or higher) and accommodation provided at Tully working hostel.
2nd yr visa – FULL 88 days available + payslips provided
2. Farmhand (Phù hợp 2nd year visa) – Địa điểm tại Mackay, Queensland
Looking for someone to do casual farm work to start from 24 June 2017. Male preferred. Over 168cm height preferred. Flat rate $18.90/hour plus super. 2nd WHV available but have to stay over minimum 88 days. On average 2-3hrs/day at first, then hours may increase to 5 hours in August depends on the applicant’s skills. 5days/week including weekend. Accommodation is $60/week and stay in your own room. Electricity is $2/day. Free pick up/drop off at the airport/bus terminal if you don’t have your own transportation. 2 weeks trial. Must cook for yourselves with most of kitchenware provided. Need to take a bus to town (20mins) for grocery shopping. The job is perfect for someone who wants to work in a relaxed environment and to qualify for 2nd WHV. Please describe a bit of yourselves re nationality, age, work experience, when can start etc through your CV.
2nd yr visa – FULL 88 days available + payslips provided
3. Farm Work Gracemere (Phù hợp 2nd year visa) – Địa điểm tại Farm Work In Gracemere QLD in Gracemere, Queensland
We are looking for general Farm hands for a couple farms in Gracemere, Qld. Work will last 3-4 months and duties will include irrigation, picking, packing and general farm tasks. The pay rate is $22.13 before tax. We will sign all your days and provide you with payslips. Vegetables you will be dealing with will mainly be lettuce, cauliflower, and cucumbers.
4. 2x Piggery Farm Hands (singles Or Couple) (Phù hợp 2nd year visa) – Địa điểm tại Tully, Queensland
Come work on a pig farm!
Our client needs 2 farm workers to help him out on his pig farm outside Townsville. This is an opportunity for you to get your 2nd year visa, get your hands dirty, and experience the farm life!Your offer is as follows:
– Weekly wages starting at $730/week
– Onsite accommodation provided free of charge
– You must provide your own food and bev, shops in town
– 35 Hours of work per week, with opportunity for work on saturdays if you want extra hours/cash
Farm experience is not necessary, however hard work ethic is a must, as there is labor involved.Please forward your recent resume.
5. Grapes Work (Không phù hợp 2nd year visa) – Địa điểm tại Grape Farm in Mildura, Victoria
No experience is required for this job.
Job available now
Payment is piece rate / contract, you earn depending how hard you work and is calculated for hard workers to have a good reward, but it is not easy at first and it is valid for extension on your second visa.
Working directly with owner, not contractors.
Pulling canes 30 cents / vine.
Work is 7 days, but upon weather might be days off. Usually working hours are from 8:00 am to 5:30 pm, everyday counts for WHV extension, as payslips are provided.
Might suit someone with own car or a group of people, that want a job for short time.
Be ready to work on cold and windy days, but in a safe environment, is hard work and is better if you are fit.
Farm is about 15 km from town.
Thanks in advance.
6. Farm Work Coffs Harbour (Không phù hợp 2nd year visa) – Địa điểm tại Wright in Coffs harbour, New South Wales
I need some help pruning kiwi fruit vines. Light work. No experience necessary. Starting mid July. Two people for two weeks. I need a couple because after I show you what to do, and work with you for a few hours I will mainly be leaving you so that I can do other work. Two people working together is safer than one alone. About $750 per person per 35 hour week.
Ideally I would like Italians so that you can give me the odd pointer in my Italian language studies but really any good workers will do.
7. Vegs And Fruits Aussie Farm Good Job Opportunity And Great Accommodation (offer 2nd Visa) – (Phù hợp xin 2nd year visa) – Địa điểm tại QLD Bundaberg 4670, Bundaberg
Mình đặc biệt thấy chỗ này rất ổn. Trong link apply có hình của nơi làm việc và sinh hoạt.
Vegs and Fruits Aussie Farm Good Job Opportunity and Great Accommodation.
Good Job
- Job start : start immediately.
- Must arrive: As soon as you can.
- Job title: Farm hand (Picking/Packing/Planting/Cutting/Weeding…etc.)
- Season: 12 months a year
- Gender : Any person. But needs strong and fast speed workers.
- Hourly rate: $22.13+9.5% extra Superannuation (Since 01.Jul.2016)
(Sweet potato: whole year harvest + seasonal other vegs and fruits work, Earn more than hourly rate for high speed workers (for only different way of part of cutting sweet potato vines piecework, the rest work are hourly rate.) very less workers in the farm. ) - About 5-7 working days/a week.(Mon. to Fri.) (sometimes Sat. or Sun.) Average 6-9 hrs/a day. (It also depends on your performance and farmer requirements and weather situation. Sometimes more or less.)
- Must : have CAR to drive to work. (5 seats with seat belts) if you don’t have a car, please inform HR.
- Must : NON-smoker.
- Must : Work a minimum of 3 months.
- Must : STAY in this accommodation. (2-4 people in one room.)
- Must : Be a Hard worker / Eligible Working Holiday Visa /have Tax File Number /have Bank Account Number / Serious about getting a job, and willing to perform / Consistant and fast work speed / Positive and good attitude / Good English speaking and listening / Respect people.
- 2nd working holiday visa: YES / Offered.
- It is better if you have got previous farm experience. (It is not essential.)
Great Accommodation
- Rent : $190 /a week or $28 /a day.
- Must : pay $290 deposit (bond) (can be returned after 3 months and no damage.)
- Must : keep the house CLEAN.
- Must : NON-smoker.
- Friendly atmosphere and extremely clean.
- Free cable TV. Free Movie/DVD、VCD player. Free laundry. Free Pizza night sometimes.
- Fire alarm/ Fire facility/ Upper class area/ Best quality of 1200W microwave, gas stove, toaster, kettle, cooker, fridge, freezer/ Cooking utensils/ Tableware/ Cups/ Plates/ Bowls/ Toilet paper/ Hand wash/ Dish wash/ Dining room/ Hot water facility/ Comfortable bunk bed, mattress, pillow, carpet, queen size blanket, sheet, pillow case/ food area cabinet/ Scale/ Free farm foods/ Vacuum Cleaner/ 2 shower rooms
- Near beach location, wild Kangaroos, mangrove, fishing area, diving, snorkeling, swimming, skateboard park, BBQ park…etc.
- No person allowed to use their own sleeping bag.
- Very quiet at night. (You can sleep very well every night)
House Owners arrange Good Job ONLY for anyone who stay in and can keep the house clean
** Please send us your CV/Resume (Including your PHOTO)
- and offer your information as below:
1. Nationality/Name/Age/Gender/date of birth(dd/mm):
2. Visa type and visa expired date:
3. AU Contact number:
4. Own car(Yes/No)/Type of the car/How many seats(including seat belts) include driver/Automatic or manual/Any problem of the car? :
5. AU Job experience:
6. Arriving date:
7. How long can you work:
8. Do you need to collect 2nd year visa (Yes/No):
9. English level:
10. Current location/Work Situation:
11. E-mail address:
12. Weight/Height/any physical problem(Yes/No) :
13. Smoker or Non-smoker :
14. Do you have driver license (Yes/No):
15. Relationship of all candidates:
16. Your photo(attached on CV or find our web-link for email address to send all the information) :
And then we will send you further information.
8. 2x Dairy Farm Hands, Shepparton Vic – (Không phù hợp 2nd year visa) – Địa điểm tại B Howell in Shepparton, Victoria
2x Dairy Farm hands are needed to assist with day to day operations at our lovely farm outside of SHepparton, Victoria.Potential for a couple – we can offer hours for the 2 of you, work might involve some non farming stuff such as cleaning and housework.You will be trained on skills to work the farm, nothing too physical so it is suitable for both males and females.This is a great way to see “REAL” Australia and experience the laid back farm lifestyle.We pay Australian standard pastoral wages which start at $21.77/hr, and can sign off on the 2nd year working holiday visa days if you need them (88 available)On site accommodation is available as we have a completely separate farm house where our farm hands always live.Breakdown of work:- Milking- Fencing- Gardening- Maintenance-Landscaping- Animal Care
Các bạn cũng có thể tham gia nhóm Hành trình Working Holiday Australia trên Facebook tại đây. Trên group có rất nhiều bạn đã xin được visa rồi sẽ giúp đỡ tư vấn về mọi vấn đề cho các bạn đến sau xin được loại visa này từ Đại Sứ Quán Úc nhé: Bấm vào đây để tham gia Group
Chúc các bạn tìm được công việc như ý muốn.
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